PlayiCare is sowat 4 jaar terug gebore met die doel om n verskil in kinders se lewens te maak, ons speel hierdie wonderlikke sport genaamd golf en terselfde tyd help ons om n verskil te maak in kinders se lewens, of dit vir n arm kind is of vir n kind wat mediese hulp nodig het of n kind wat talent het en bereid is om hard te werk, die feit dat hulle arm is moet hulle nie weerhou word om n kans gebied te word nie wie weet dit is dalk net n 2de Ernie Els of n Lee-Ann Pace.
iPlayiCare is n geregistreerde NPC, met geen hulp van die staat nie, maar uit n indersteunings netwerk van golfers wat lief is vir die spel golf en wat bereid is om te help, hoe klein ook al maak nie saak nie, ek glo aan druppels maak ook n emmer vol.
Die wêreld is hard en ek kies om die positief te gaan soek!
Golf is one of the biggest developing sports in our country. There are a significant number of children who show excellent potential to create a future for themselves through this sport.
The harsh reality, however, is that golf is a very expensive sport. Consequently, few parents can afford to help their children develop to their full potential to become professional golf stars.
iPlayiCare will have a direct focus on junior golf development. We are currently working on a variety of projects to create opportunities for talent identification and generate funds to support young talent.

iPlayiCare will empower individuals who are part of our program in the following ways, among others.
– Provision of coaching and mentorship
– Support with equipment and other aids
– Support i.t.o. tournament expenses.
– Exposure to other developmental opportunities (brain profiles, psychic & emotional
development etc)
– Exposure to high standard tournaments
– Establishment of a national coaching network
– Creating a deeper development platform that focuses on teaching and other facets (if the child does not make it in golf, they will still have something to fall back on)
iPlayiCare will empower young talent by creating opportunities and improving access to
resources to enable them to reach their full potential.
iPlayiCare will empower young talent by creating opportunities and improving access to resources to enable them to reach their full potential.
Contact Gustave Schoombee – [email protected]