My dramatic healing journey taught me LIFE SAVING information and lessons. One of them is that ‘SICKNESS
is no ACCIDENT’. The CAUSE and EFFECT principle.


This is my fourteenth year of recovery from an incurable dreaded disease, Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I was at a dead end in terms of my health. I very nearly was confined to a wheelchair. I was declared medically unfit to work and was left expecting the worst. Modern medicine offered me no hope to recover.

I however refused to accept my fate and I set about searching for the root cause of the problem. As my body was fading, deep down, I knew I was in serious trouble. I kept on PRAYING about my dilemma and was asking for mercy and wisdom. Only at the eleventh hour, by grace, I discovered an array of root causes and deceptions. Once these modern harmful root causes were removed, I began the journey to recovery.

On my journey I opened can after can of the proverbial worms – only these weren’t worms, but rather DECEPTIONS. It made me realise that there are many systems that fail the general public. I’ve come to the sad realisation that my paradigm must change and that I simply cannot trust everything (modern foods and medicine) that one is presented without thorough research.

Exposure to these modern variables and deceptions is precisely the reason for the manifestation of so many new modern ‘dis-ease’ conditions.
The body is designed to win and heal. It is not natural to be ‘dis-eased’. Once the root causes of a “dis-ease” is identified and removed the table is set for healing and recovery.

My book will empower you to create an environment for natural healing.

For more information, please visit us at www.gonatural.co.za