Over the last 14 years, women’s golf, together with the provincial unions and the SAGDB has run a very successful Development Programme.
There is a country-wide footprint of coaching points where any young girl wanting to learn the game can receive free coaching. The unions coordinate the running of the coaching points, some of which are at golf clubs, driving ranges and schools.
Through the programme, young girls start at the grassroots level (if they do not have a golf handicap) and then progress to gaining a handicap.
The Development Programme is funded through the National Development Levy. It is used, for example, to provide coaching and opportunities so that these young golfers may continue to grow to their full golf potential.
Golf RSA is the unified body of Women Golf South Africa and the South African Golf Association
GolfRSA includes representation on the GolfRSA Board from the South African Golf Development Board (SAGDB) and the South African Disabled Golf Association (SADGA).
GolfRSA has made significant progress and taken steps in finding new ways, together with the Unions and the clubs, to keep the sport relevant and to reach a wider audience.
Many of the top amateurs in the country have come through this Development Programme and it is exciting to see over the years how many have gone on to play for their Union or represent South Africa on the international stage.
This programme is funded through the national Development Levy.
Women golfers in the country may not be aware, but they have been playing a significant role in the growth and success of girls golf and women’s golf in the country – as a portion of their annual GolfRSA Affiliation Levy goes towards the Development Levy which is then allocated to the unions.
Every women golfer affiliated to GolfRSA is therefore making a difference in the growth of junior girls and women’s golf.
This is a journey and keeping the sport relevant and growing it as a game that the entire family can play is a key priority. This would not be possible without the incredible commitment and dedication by so many on the ground – coaches, administrators, partner organisations, sponsor partners, volunteers, parents and family and clubs and their members. As they say … “it takes a village” and GolfRSA is very greateful to the many people within the golfing community who are as passionate as the federation is, in ensuring that girl’s golf, women’s golf and family golf continues to grow.
GolfRSA has an extensive junior girls and women’s golf season.
There are seven National Fixtures, namely the South African Amateur Championships (comprising the SA Women’s Stroke Play Championship and SA Women’s Match Play Championship), the South Africa Mid-Amateur Championship (for those 30 and Over).